Facilitating and hostile foster families: early detection as means to promote continuity

Teresa Díaz-Tártalo, Researcher, Universidad CEU San Pablo,  Spain 

Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Researcher, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain 

Anna  Garriga-Alsina, Researcher, Universidad Pompeu-Fabra, Spain     

The object of this study is to help all those involved in the process (foster families, children, biological families and professionals) by facilitating the detection of maladjustment which could cause future disruptions in these foster placements. The study provides models of investigation which allow in-depth knowledge of the nature of family relationships in foster placements.  Method: By using analysis of illustrative cases this presentation focuses on the connections observed between the attitudes of non-kinship foster-care families who facilitate the relationship between the foster children and the biological family and the existence  of well-being in the family relationship. A qualitative study based on three instruments of investigation is used to demonstrate these attitudes can be considered as predictors of continuity insofar as they facilitate the foster-care and a better integration of the minor in the foster family nucleus and a calm relationship between the child and the biological family. On the other hand, the study also shows how in those families where there is some hostility on the part of the foster family towards the child’s biological family, problematic signs and maladjustment are detected which are predictors of greater risk of future disruptions.


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Key-words: non kinship foster care, birth family, early detection, well-being

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